Hina Khan has always shied away from talking about her personal life. Though she has often been seen sharing her pictures with Rocky Jaiswal on social media, she has never confirmed her relationship status. However, it looks like the actress has done hiding. On tonight's episode of Bigg Boss, Hina will finally confess her feelings for Rocky. In a video, shared by Colors channel on its Twitter handle, the Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai actor gets emotional after seeing her boyfriend Rocky in the house. She then tells him how much she missed him on the show.
How They Met ?
Bigg Boss 11: Boyfriend Rocky Jaiswal proposes to Hina Khan
In the previous episode of Bigg Boss 11 (December 7), some of the contestants met their family members and loved ones. Even though it made them all emotional, the reunion after two months came as a breather and refreshing change. The same will continue in tonight's episode with Hina Khan's boyfriend Rocky making an entry into the house.
While Hina stands fixed, Rocky praises her for playing the game well and tells her he had no idea that she is so strong. He also adds that he can see some manipulative people in the house, and at this Hina begins to cry. When Bigg Boss releases her, she hugs Rocky and has an emotional breakdown. She tells him she wants to leave the house, but he asks her to keep going steady. Take a look:
In the next clipping, they are seen kissing each other and while they are seated on the bed, Rocky tells her how he wishes to spend all his time with Hina after she is done with Bigg Boss. He takes out a ring and puts it on her finger. Hina then says the three magical words - I love you - and they kiss again.
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